Tuesday 31 March 2009

Beer, teaspoon of sugar and lots of moss. BLEND then serve onto a wall

My first try at moss/eco graffiti step by step. Get the moss, wash off dirt/small stones, blend with a beer and some sugar then slap mixture on a wall. wonder if I could dry out the moss and grind it down with a teaspoon of sugar and instead of the beer dry starch? If that worked then some kind if just add water moss paint could be made.

keep me right

Right no confusion this time, this is an ordered list of my plot with the position of everything that I have planted.

Spuds from space

These might look like aliens but they are actually potatoes that I have kept in a dark cupbord for about 3 weeks, now they are ready to plant.


My plot 2 meters squared and chock a block with seeds. Really easy make lines in the soil then place your seeds in each column before re covering with earth, then water, water lots.

fast growth

These are a couple of updates on how my seedlings are doing.

Grub from the center of the Earth

This is a creepy little grub thing that I dug up from the plot... nasty!

Digging the plot

here are some images of me digging the plot, it's roughly 1 meter by 2 meters or the size of a standard door. firstly i marked the borders edge, I then cut the turf into moveable pieces. The soil underneath was full of rocks that I removed then the soil was almost fluffy, ready to plant.

First life

First sign of life in my seed trays. Don't know what life though as I have forgotten the order in which I planted the seeds... oops.

Thursday 26 March 2009

1950's style

The graphic style of the 1950's is long from gone, this new graphic was actually designed for obama by Shepard Fairey

some more eco-graffiti

Some moss graffiti!!! Crazyness and very cool, I've been researching on how to do this and think Im going to give it a go. For the moss paint get a can of beer a few clumps of moss and a spoon full of sugar just like Mary Poppins, chuck them in a blender and buzz till smooth then paint.

just a cool video I saw

This video is a cool idea and brings a fun playfull theme aswell as a tactile feel to helping the environment. eco-graffiti.

Tuesday 24 March 2009

Question sheet

One of the question sheets I am sending to the local primary school to get an idea of how much kids know about there veg.

seeds of change

Here's just a couple images of my little startup planters and a veiw of the garden below where I am going to start my plot.

plant wall

So as you can see the walls work inside and above is a modular section, why then if we can build in 3d do we still think of gardening in a 2 dimensional way? The one difference I will have to take into account for my design is that these plants need much less soil to grow but this is a mere design impracticality that is easily solved.

tools of the trade

These are my tools, recently bought from B&Q they were cheap and cheerfull and all that I expected . The thing I did not expect however was the side effects of carrying these fine implements back home. I had opted to buy the basic tools of the trade a spade a half moon and a fork and when I strolled home with them on my shoulder all onlookers appeared more intent to let me catch there smile. The interest in my exploits had left me feeling slightly forfilled and happy in my quest for sustainability.

greener attempts

These are a couple of buildings that have actually incorporated plants onto the skin of the building rather than a few scattered pots around it. The plants are hooked up to plumbing so easy to water and give an overwhelmingly beautiful aesthetic.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Just like Dad

Children always look up to their parents and siblings at an early age, if at this age positive veiws about vegetables or even pride of their vegetables were introduced then theres a strong posibility that the veiws will be retained throughout their life.

Dinner time

Our nations health is at an all time low, it's now time to take responsibility and give the new generations a chance at living healthily. I intend to look into how much children really know about where there veg comes from, with this information hopefully a solution can be put into action as to somehow change the negative veiws of veg.

A war on environmental change

The project I am undertaking rings a few bells with the idea of growing fresh produce during war time to aid the country through its time of need. Just because theres not a tangible personified enemy does not mean that there is no enemy at all, the war we are waging now is over our planet and its resources, the enemy environmental change, global warming, the carbon footprints of our fossil fuels. For these reasons I have decided to draw some insperation from old war propegand advertising styles, Dig for victory!

self directed proposal

These images enforce the idea that is driving my breif, the possibilities of teaching children and getting them living in a sustainable environment while their young enough to take ideas on board, enjoy the time spent with their parents and move on to live healthier lifes with more knowlage of how to do so.

Monday 16 March 2009

Boat overloading

Some interesting photos that show how easily overcrouded and overloaded the standard 6 man rescue boats get. Mainly due to the fact that the crew consists of a four person unit only leaving space for 2 more people and a streatcher.

Monday 2 March 2009


I like the idea of this snap out dinner set and I think that this idea could be carried through to my design, maybe not the snap out aspect but the idea that the platform could have various rescue products incorporated.


Staying with the same theme of buoys and moving onto the idea of rather than transport maybe a teathered platform or rescue point. Like an area where people could congregate for rescue with basic first aid and supplies. Much easier to see from the air and some sort of priority in air lifts out can be much more easily made injured first etc.