Tuesday 5 May 2009

vegetable chips

The problem with growing root vegetables vertically is the harvesting of them afterwards. The root vegetables grow thick and outgrow the spacing in the mesh that convesional vertical plots have. this means that when you pull out a carrot it will tear off the flesh that has outgrown the mesh. this designs mesh is elasticated and only fastned on one axis so it can be moved slightly to help get that veg out safe.

Monday 4 May 2009

Idea for perspective

The design of this planter is to offer an easy veiw of the growing vegetables. It puts the plant "on show" for the child and makes understanding them easier.

point of veiw

Went round my flat for about an hour on my knees and took a few photos of what I saw, a childs point of veiw is very different as our world is designed for adults. Children are almost always looking upwards so I will take this into consideration in my designs.

Monday 27 April 2009

Amsterdam herbs

While I was in Amsterdam I saw this stall of ready to grow window herbs pretty standard but nice.

patch update

Just an update of how my patch is doing.

Saturday 11 April 2009

String and wood model

Here is a quick mock up of how I intend to grow root vegetables vertically, the string acts like a mesh to stop soil from falling out of the vertical base . The string though can be manipulated to make more space to get the vegetables out without damaging the mesh or vegetable.

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Food a fact of life

This is a really useful website for this project.